
Nikkormat FTn + Non Ai 135mm F3.5 Lens


Range of metering: EV3 – EV17 at ASA 100 (e.g. f/1.4, 1/4 sec.- f/11, 1/1000 sec.).
ASA sensitivity setting: 12 – 1600.
Maximum aperture setting: f/1.2 – f/5.6.
Meter diaphragm coupling: f/1.2 – f/32. Couples with both diaphragm and shutter speed dial
Single-stroke film advance lever (135°, throw angle 26°) also serves as on-off switch of the meter.
Synchronization: X and M synch terminals. X synch at 1/125 sec. or slower. FP- and MF-class bulbs also usable.
Depth-of-field preview control
Independent mirror lock-up

Operation Condition (操作狀態):

Fully Working

Lens Condition(鏡頭狀態):

No Scratch, No Haze, No Fungus

Appearance Condition(外觀狀態):

As Photo, 實物拍攝如圖
觀景窗有少許塵但不影響拍攝 Viewfinder little dusty but not affect shooting outcome

Sample Photos (相片參考):

*Actual Result varies based on lighting and film

What’s Included(售後附送):

One Month Warranty (一個月保養)
One Free Film Processing Service(一次免費沖掃)

DELIVERY / PICK UP(郵寄/門市自取):

Pick up at Mongkok store (please expect 1-2working days for processing)
Pick up at Causeway Bay store (please expect 3-5working days for processing)
Ship via SF express (order will dispatch within 1-2working days

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